What is Meditation?
Meditation trains our attention to be more aware of what is happening now: in our mind, in our body, in our emotions and all around us. When we quiet and still the mind we see how scattered and overloaded our thoughts really are.
We now know it is possible to rewire the brain and create new neural pathways through practice. Meditation trains the mind to be aware of and let go of stressful thoughts and past events, cultivating greater acceptance and clarity; boosting energy levels and improving concentration and memory.
Finding a space between you and your thoughts through mindfulness meditation allows the body to return to "rest and digest", so it can heal naturally and restore itself. Rather than daydreaming or avoiding reality, it is a relaxed inner state of focussed awareness.
In times of stress, loss and uncertainty having a regular meditation practice can centre and sustain us by returning the mind to a place of inner stillness and peace and offering clarity and perspective. The practice of Meditation is a powerful and elegant way of soothing the nervous system and reducing levels of stress and anxiety.
Meditation is a wonderful foundation for an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and having a regular practise offers a whole range of health benefits which are backed up by scientific research.
Why Meditate?
Meditation is a skill ; a technique which gives the mind a rest and a spring-clean from habitual thinking patterns. Building a meditation practice and cultivating inner peace, gives us a greater sense of stability during uncertain and rapidly changing times. In today’s world our minds are overloaded with information, stimuli and often unwelcome news. Developing a sense of inner calm and connection helps to build self-compassion and resilience. Meditation has been called the antidote to stress.
When we allow a calm space just to watch and be with our thoughts, without resisting or analyzing or letting them spiral into a full blown catastrophe, we create the exact conditions that promote healing and transformation.
Meditation has been shown to bring about significant positive physiological changes in the brain including an increase in learning, memory, happiness, empathy and compassion, supporting improved relationships and ultimately offering a more fulfilling and better quality of life.
Because meditation supports a more compassionate, peaceful and mindful way of living it is a wonderful foundation for an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, offering practical tools for daily life to transform health and wellbeing.
With regular practice people find they are calmer, have a greater capacity for empathy & tend to respond in a more balanced way to people or events in their lives. Like learning any new skill or getting fit it is important to meditate regularly.

“Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively.”
Sharon Salzberg
“If you have a meditation practice, you can be much more effective in a meeting… Meditation helps develop your abilities to focus better and to accomplish your tasks.”
Research shows that having a regular meditation practice can have many benefits to both physical and mental health including:-
lower blood pressure and resting heart rate
reduced cholesterol levels
reduced tension induced pain such as headaches, muscle and joint pain.
lower stress & anxiety levels
improved concentration and memory
improved sleep patterns
increased feelings of wellbeing
boosted immune system
reduced anxiety & depression
enables a deeper self awareness
increased capacity for empathy and compassion
Better perspective – respond rather than react to situations.
Meditation Myths.
It takes hours - even just a few minutes daily is beneficial and helps to mentally recharge.
You have to sit in lotus position - you just need to be comfortable, at ease but awake.
You must stop your thoughts or clear your mind - it’s about training the mind to be more aware of our internal experience rather than changing it; noticing rather than reacting.
It’s just daydreaming - Meditation helps us concentrate and sharpens our focus. It teaches us to respond rather than react. Many sports and business people meditate to increase clarity and heighten their performance.